Julie, HR Intern

Besides my Master in Management, Organisation and Culture at the University of St. Gallen, I am doing an internship in Human Resources at Safran Vectronix. My main tasks are mainly to support various HR projects (company health management, employer branding, etc.) and to manage applications. This experience has enabled me to gain interesting insights into practice alongside my studies.
What I particularly liked about Safran Vectronix is the family-like work environment. Despite the size of the company, all employees know each other and are on first-name basis. Everyone likes to talk at the coffee machine (by the way, coffee is free here!). Although I am not German-speaking, I felt very integrated from the beginning and was able to learn “Schwiizerdütsch”.
In addition to its family culture, Safran Vectronix is an international company that operates in several countries. As part of the large Safran Group, we are regularly in contact with international teams, especially with the parent company in France. In addition, more than 20 different nationalities are represented at our site in Heerbrugg and several different languages are spoken in the workplace (German, English, French…). I found this corporate culture so fascinating that I decided to choose it as the topic for my Master’s thesis, focusing on linguistic diversity. My colleagues were immediately willing to help me with my project and to give me time for an interview.